Daniel V. Oliveira (Msc.) - Research Assistant

Centre for Molecular and Structural Biomedicine (CBME)

Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR)

Faculty of Sciences and Technology (building 8)

University of Algarve

Phone: + 351 289 800 100 (extn. 7177)

Academic Degrees



José P. Pinto, Ravi K. Kalathur, Daniel V. Oliveira, Tânia Barata, Rui S. R. Machado, Susana Machado, Ivette Pacheco-Leyva, Isabel Duarte and Matthias E. Futschik. StemChecker: a web-based tool to discover and explore stemness signatures in gene sets. Nucleic Acids Research 2015. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv529. [Accepted in Press] (pdf)

Kamil R. Kranc, Daniel V. Oliveira, Alejandro Armesilla-Diaz, Ivette Pacheco-Leyva, Ana Catarina Matias, Ana Luisa Escapa, Chithra Subramani, Helen Wheadon, Marlene Trindade, Jenny Nichols, Keisuke Kaji, Tariq Enver and José Bragança. Acute loss of Cited2 impairs Nanog expression and decreases self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 2015; 33:699–712. (pdf)

Ana C. Matias, Ivette Pacheco-Leyva, Gisela Machado-Oliveira, Daniel V. Oliveira, José Bragança. Células estaminais pluripotentes induzidas – elenco promissor para o futuro da medicina. Boletim de Biotecnologia. 11/2013; 4:34-36 (pdf)

Daniel V. Oliveira, Tomé S. Silva, Odete D. Cordeiro, Sofia I. Cavaco, Dina C. Simes. Identification of Proteins with Potential Osteogenic Activity Present in the Water-Soluble Matrix Proteins from Crassostrea gigas Nacre Using a Proteomic Approach. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012; 765909:1. (pdf)


Isabel Duarte, D.Oliveira, T. Justo, J. Bragança and M. Futschik (2015) Predicting Cardiac Novel Splice Variantes from RNAseq data, Bioinformatics for the Life Sciences, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

DV Oliveira, I Duarte, RS Machado, I Pacheco-Leyva, T Justo, JP Pinto, S Machado, JA Belo, J Bragança & ME Futschik (2015) From Stem Cells 2 Heart: Finding novel candidate isoforms and genes for cardiomyogenesis. 9th International Meeting of the Portuguese society for Stem cells and Cell therapies. Oeiras. Portugal.

RS Machado, JP Pinto, DV Oliveira, I. Duarte, S Machado, J Bragança & M Futschik (2015) A meta-analysis study of stem cell differentiation in the context of cardiogenesis.9th International Meeting of the Portuguese society for Stem cells and Cell therapies. Oeiras. Portugal.

S Machado, R Kalathur, DV Oliveira, T Barata, R Machado, I Pacheco-Leyva, I Duarte, M Futschik, J Pinto (2015) StemChecker: a web-based tool to discover and explore stemness signatures in gene sets.9th International Meeting of the Portuguese society for Stem cells and Cell therapies. Oeiras. Portugal.

Isabel Duarte, D.Oliveira, T. Justo, J. Bragança, J Belo and M. Futschik (2015) From Stem Cells 2 Heart: Estudo do Impacto do Splice Alternativo durante o Desenvolvimento Cardiaco, Molecular Genetics Anual Seminar Series, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal

Daniel V. Oliveira, R. Machado, I. Pacheco-Leyva, I. Duarte, T. Justo , J. Pinto, J. Belo, J. Bragança and M. Futschik (2014) From Stem Cells 2 heart: Finding novel candidate genes for cardiomyogenesis, Heart without Borders, International Conference, Porto, Portugal (abstract)

I. Duarte, T. Justo, J. Pinto, Daniel V. Oliveira, J. Bragança, J. Belo and M. Futschik (2014) From Stem Cells 2 heart: Elucidating the role of alternative splicing in cardiomyogenesis, Heart without Borders, International Conference, Porto, Portugal (abstract)

Ivette Pacheco-Leyva, Daniel V. Oliveira and José Bragança. Molecular mechanism involved in cardiac differentiation from embryonic stem cells. Poster session presented at: I International Meeting on Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine and Drug Screening; Biocant, Cantanhede, Portugal, 19 July 2013.

Ana C. Matias, André Alves, Ana L. Santos, Daniel V. Oliveira, Catarina Fernandes and José Bragança. Improving Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts Reprogramming. Poster session presented at: I International Meeting on Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine and Drug Screening; Biocant, Cantanhede, Portugal, 19 July 2013.

Ivette Pacheco-Leyva, Daniel V. Oliveira and José Bragança. Molecular mechanism involved in cardiac differentiation from embryonic stem cells. Poster session presented at: Cardiac Biology - From Development to Regenerative Medicine, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany, 7-10 June 2013.

Ivette Pacheco-Leyva, Daniel V. Oliveira and José Bragança. Molecular mechanism involved in cardiac differentiation from embryonic stem cells. Poster session presented at: 8th International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cell Therapies; Faro, Portugal, 9-10 May 2013.

Ana C. Matias, André Alves, Ana L. Santos, Daniel V. Oliveira, Catarina Fernandes and José Bragança. Improving Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts Reprogramming. Poster session presented at: 8th International Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cell Therapies; Faro, Portugal, 9-10 May 2013.

Daniel V. Oliveira, Sofia I. Cavaco, Odete D. Cordeiro, Tomé S. Silva, Pedro M. Rodrigues, Dina C. Simes. Proteomic analysis of nacre soluble matrix proteins from Crassostrea Gigas; Poster session presented at: 4th EuPA Scientific Meeting A Proteomics Odyssey Towards Next Decades; Estoril, Portugal, 23-27 October 2010.

Technical courses

Qualification to perform animal experimentation on rodents, fish and amphibian in scientific research, category B, in accordance to the European guidelines of FELASA.

Supervision of Students

Micaela Bento, Importância do Cited2 na diferenciação Cardíaca, University of Algarve, 2013 (supervison of the final course thesis of the Bsc. in Biomedical Sciences of University Algarve)

Supervision of Ana M. Henriques on the ambit of the class MEE of the Medicine course of the University of Algarve, 2013

Inês Barreiros, Estudo da relação entre o gene Cited2 e o fator de transcrição TBX3 em células estaminais embrionárias de murganho, University of Algarve, 2012 (supervison of the final course thesis of the Bsc. in Genetic and Biotechnology of University of Trás-os-Montes eAlto Douro)
