PFAM ID:4020
Term :Calcium signaling pathway
Entrez Gene IDs are linked to their corresponding NCBI GenBank entry.
Gene symbols are linked to the entry for the gene in the HD Research CrossRoads database.
Note that a login is required for the HD Research CrossRoads database.
Entrez Gene IDApproved SymbolApproved Name
107ADCY1adenylate cyclase 1 (brain)
135ADORA2Aadenosine A2a receptor
136ADORA2Badenosine A2b receptor
291SLC25A4Solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; adenine nucleotide translocator)_ member 4
774CACNA1Bcalcium channel_ voltage-dependent_ N type_ alpha 1B subunit
776CACNA1Dcalcium channel_ voltage-dependent_ L type_ alpha 1D subunit
801CALM1calmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase_ delta)
1128CHRM1cholinergic receptor_ muscarinic 1
1129CHRM2cholinergic receptor_ muscarinic 2
1131CHRM3cholinergic receptor_ muscarinic 3
1133CHRM5cholinergic receptor_ muscarinic 5
1812DRD1dopamine receptor D1
1816DRD5dopamine receptor D5
2778GNASGNAS complex locus
2902GRIN1glutamate receptor_ ionotropic_ N-methyl D-aspartate 1
2903GRIN2Aglutamate receptor_ ionotropic_ N-methyl D-aspartate 2A
2905GRIN2Cglutamate receptor_ ionotropic_ N-methyl D-aspartate 2C
2906GRIN2Dglutamate receptor_ ionotropic_ N-methyl D-aspartate 2D
2911GRM1glutamate receptor_ metabotropic 1
2915GRM5glutamate receptor_ metabotropic 5
3358HTR2C5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 2C
3362HTR65-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 6
3363HTR75-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 7 (adenylate cyclase-coupled)
3706ITPKAinositol 1_4_5-trisphosphate 3-kinase A
3708ITPR1inositol 1_4_5-triphosphate receptor_ type 1
3709ITPR2inositol 1_4_5-triphosphate receptor_ type 2
3710ITPR3inositol 1_4_5-triphosphate receptor_ type 3
4842NOS1nitric oxide synthase 1 (neuronal)
5023P2RX1purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 1
5024P2RX3purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 3
5025P2RX4purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 4
5026P2RX5purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 5
5027p2rx7purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 7
5136PDE1Aphosphodiesterase 1A_ calmodulin-dependent
5481PPIDpeptidylprolyl isomerase D
5530PPP3CAprotein phosphatase 3_ catalytic subunit_ alpha isozyme
5534PPP3R1protein phosphatase 3_ regulatory subunit B_ alpha
5566PRKACAprotein kinase_ cAMP-dependent_ catalytic_ alpha
5567PRKACBprotein kinase_ cAMP-dependent_ catalytic_ beta
5568PRKACGprotein kinase_ cAMP-dependent_ catalytic_ gamma
5578PRKCAprotein kinase C_ alpha
6543SLC8A2solute carrier family 8 (sodium/calcium exchanger)_ member 2
6547SLC8A3solute carrier family 8 (sodium/calcium exchanger)_ member 3
7220TRPC1transient receptor potential cation channel_ subfamily C_ member 1
7417VDAC2voltage-dependent anion channel 2
7419VDAC3voltage-dependent anion channel 3
22953P2RX2purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 2
51196PLCE1Phospholipase C_ epsilon 1
56848SPHK2sphingosine kinase 2