PFAM ID:GO:0042802
Term :identical protein binding
Entrez Gene IDs are linked to their corresponding NCBI GenBank entry.
Gene symbols are linked to the entry for the gene in the HD Research CrossRoads database.
Note that a login is required for the HD Research CrossRoads database.
Entrez Gene IDApproved SymbolApproved Name
88ACTN2actinin_ alpha 2
118ADD1adducin 1 (alpha)
207AKT1v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1
226ALDOAaldolase A_ fructose-bisphosphate
334APLP2amyloid beta (A4) precursor-like protein 2
348APOEapolipoprotein E
467ATF3activating transcription factor 3
581BAXBCL2-associated X protein
596BCL2B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2
835CASP2caspase 2_ apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase
841CASP8caspase 8_ apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase
858CAV2caveolin 2
1012CDH13cadherin 13_ H-cadherin (heart)
1147CHUKconserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase
1460CSNK2Bcasein kinase 2_ beta polypeptide
2073ERCC5excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency_ complementation group 5
2166FAAHfatty acid amide hydrolase
2512FTLferritin_ light polypeptide
2668GDNFglial cell derived neurotrophic factor
2752GLULglutamate-ammonia ligase
2778GNASGNAS complex locus
2819GPD1glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 (soluble)
2956MSH6mutS homolog 6 (E. coli)
3065HDAC1histone deacetylase 1
3315HSPB1heat shock 27kDa protein 1
3320HSP90AA1heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic)_ class A member 1
3551IKBKBinhibitor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells_ kinase beta
3570IL6Rinterleukin 6 receptor
3572IL6STinterleukin 6 signal transducer (gp130_ oncostatin M receptor)
3612IMPA1inositol(myo)-1(or 4)-monophosphatase 1
3654IRAK1interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1
3674ITGA2Bintegrin_ alpha 2b (platelet glycoprotein IIb of IIb/IIIa complex_ antigen CD41)
4214MAP3K1mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1
4217MAP3K5mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5
4293MAP3K9mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 9
4294MAP3K10mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 10
4296MAP3K11mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 11
4436MSH2mutS homolog 2_ colon cancer_ nonpolyposis type 1 (E. coli)
4437MSH3mutS homolog 3 (E. coli)
4790NFKB1nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1
5023P2RX1purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 1
5024P2RX3purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 3
5025P2RX4purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 4
5026P2RX5purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 5
5027p2rx7purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 7
5062pak2p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 2
5213PFKMphosphofructokinase_ muscle
5621PRNPprion protein
5688PSMA7proteasome (prosome_ macropain) subunit_ alpha type_ 7
6093ROCK1Rho-associated_ coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1
6129RPL7ribosomal protein L7
6249CLIP1CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein 1
6457SH3GL3SH3-domain GRB2-like 3
6597SMARCA4SWI/SNF related_ matrix associated_ actin dependent regulator of chromatin_ subfamily a_ member 4
6647SOD1superoxide dismutase 1_ soluble
6667SP1Sp1 transcription factor
7068THRBthyroid hormone receptor_ beta (erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-a) oncogene homolog 2_ avian)
7249TSC2tuberous sclerosis 2
7422VEGFAvascular endothelial growth factor A
7919BAT1DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 39B
8942KYNUkynureninase (L-kynurenine hydrolase)
9429ABCG2ATP-binding cassette_ sub-family G (WHITE)_ member 2
10197PSME3proteasome (prosome_ macropain) activator subunit 3 (PA28 gamma; Ki)
10273STUB1STIP1 homology and U-box containing protein 1_ E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
10342TFGTRK-fused gene
10533ATG7ATG7 autophagy related 7 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
22953P2RX2purinergic receptor P2X_ ligand-gated ion channel_ 2
23077MYCBP2MYC binding protein 2
23411SIRT1sirtuin 1
23604DAPK2death-associated protein kinase 2
26019UPF2UPF2 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog (yeast)
26353HSPB8heat shock 22kDa protein 8
29959NRBP1nuclear receptor binding protein 1
116443GRIN3Aglutamate receptor_ ionotropic_ N-methyl-D-aspartate 3A