KEGG ID:04150
Term :mTOR signaling pathway

Entrez Gene IDs are linked to their corresponding NCBI GenBank entry. Gene symbols are linked to the entry for the gene in the HD Research CrossRoads database. Note that a login is required for the HD Research CrossRoads database.

Entrez Gene IDApproved SymbolApproved Name
207AKT1v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1
208AKT2v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 2
2475MTORmechanistic target of rapamycin (serine/threonine kinase)
3479IGF1insulin-like growth factor 1 (somatomedin C)
5290PIK3CAphosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, alpha polypeptide
5291PIK3CBphosphoinositide-3-kinase, catalytic, beta polypeptide
6009RHEBRas homolog enriched in brain
6199RPS6KB2ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 70kDa, polypeptide 2
7248TSC1tuberous sclerosis 1
7249TSC2tuberous sclerosis 2
8408ULK1unc-51-like kinase 1 (C. elegans)